Support on a stuck withdrawal from Aztec Connect

Hello, I am having a problem with my last withdrawal from Aztec Connect. The Aztec Block Explorer has been showing the transaction as pending for the last three days and the funds never reached the destination L1 wallet. The amount of the zkETH sent in that transaction is still correctly shown in my Aztec wallet, but with an available value of 0.
I read on a previous thread that support requests for zkMoney should be sent to Aztec Support on Discord, however, despite many attempts, I did not manage to get any form of meaningul access to that channel. After agreeing to the T&C, in fact, I am still unable to send messages to the Aztec Support rooms and the channel dedicated to support questions shows in my Discord as No Access, as in the screenshot below.
Can you please let me know how to gain the ability to interact with Aztec Support on Discord? Thank you


hey – do you see the ‘verify-here’ channel on the left? it looks like you need to do that before the rest of the channels open up.


Yes, thank you. I managed to get verified and gain full access to the Discord server, as well as to solve the withdrawal problem. The block containing my transaction was simply delayed and took five days to process.