UTXO syntax [1]: explicitly specifying the utxo owner

Building on Zac’s proposal, which is here (definitely needs to be read before continuing).

This post just suggests some little modifications, as well as explaining that we might need some additional syntax.

Edit: actually, I’ll split different syntax suggestions into different posts.


This isn’t the main suggestion of this post, but it’s a slight syntax tweak which I adopt in section 2.

Private state variables can be represented in one of two forms:

  1. Singleton mapping(address => Object)
  2. Unbounded Array mapping(address => UArray(Object))

Rename the types to UTXO and UTXOSet, respectively.

  • UTXO” aligns nicely with the insert() & remove() methods of a UTXO variable.
  • “Set” in UTXOSet conveys that a collection of UTXOs has no ordering; hence the need for the sort & filter functions.


For a commitment to a private state within the utxo tree, its preimage will be something like:

  • h(contract_address, h(storage_slot, value, owner, memo, nonce, salt))

I think the syntax will need to allow the dev to specify who the owner is when getting, inserting and remove-ing a utxo, to avoid ambiguities. I give 3 examples below where the owner would not be clear, without having extra syntax to explicitly declare who the owner should be.

I’ve chosen this syntax to resolve this problem in each example: { owner: ________ }

Compare these three contract excerpts.

Example 1:
Users transferring tokens, similar to aztec.

With this example alone, one could think the owner of a note could always be inferred to be equal to the address value of the mapping’s mapping key. But in examples 2 & 3, we’ll see that sometimes the owner and mapping key won’t be equal, sometimes the mapping key won’t be an address type, and sometimes the UTXOSet won’t even be contained in a mapping.

mapping(address => UTXOSet<field>) balances;

// Not shown: a `deposit` function.

transfer(uint amount, address to)
    // We can't always assume that the `owner` of the notes will be
    // equal to the 'key' of the mapping (`msg.sender` on this line);
    // but the dev might want them to be distinct (see next e.g.)
    UTXO<field>[2] notes = balances[msg.sender].get(2, sort, filter, { owner: msg.sender });

    uint input_amount = notes[0] + notes[1];
    require(input_amount >= amount);


    balances[msg.sender].insert(input_amount - amount, { owner: msg.sender });

    balances[to].insert(amount, { owner: to });

Example 2: an example contract where people can increase other peoples’ balances (via deposits or transfers), but only via a central party - let’s call them a bank. I.e. all notes are owned by the bank, and can only be nullified by the bank, but anyone can add new notes (via a function which isn’t shown here).

mapping(address => UTXOSet<field>) balances;
address bank_address;

// Not shown: a `deposit` function.

transfer(uint amount, address from, address to)
    require(msg.sender == bank_address);
    // We need to convey who the _owner_ of the note may be, 
    // which in this example I want to be _distinct_ from the mapping key.
    // I want the owner to be `bank_address`,
    // but the previous syntax didn't allow me to express that.
    UTXO<field>[2] notes = balances[from].get(2, sort, filter, { owner: bank_address }); 

    uint input_amount = notes[0] + notes[1];
    require(input_amount >= amount);


    balances[from].insert(input_amount - amount, { owner: bank_address });

    balances[to].insert(amount, { owner: bank_address });

Example 3. Sometimes a UTXOSet might not be stored in a mapping (from which one could argue the owner. Here’s an example contract where a charity is the owner of all deposits (donations), so there’s only one balance which doesn’t need a mapping to be tracked. This is a withdraw function, to make the example make sense:

UTXOSet<field> balance;
address charity_address.

// Not shown: a `deposit` function.

withdraw(uint amount, address to)
    require(msg.sender == charity_address);
    // We need to convey that the owner will always be the `charity_address`.
    UTXO<field>[2] notes = balance.get(2, sort, filter, { owner : charity_address });

    uint input_amount = notes[0] + notes[1];
    require(input_amount >= amount);


    balance.insert(input_amount - amount, { owner : charity_address });

    // Not shown: also expose the withdrawal amount via a public input, or something.

I think this all makes sense. The syntax feels a little clunky but I can’t think of anything that improves on it.