A note discovery protocol.
Notes expose a 16-bit view-tag H(shared_secret || offset)[:2]
([1], [2], [3]), over which batch PIR [4] queries are made, reducing sync bandwidth of notes by up to 98%.
tx = {
notes: [{view_tag, ciphertext}, ..]
view_tag = H(dh_shared_secret || offset)[:2]
increments for repeated shared_secrets.
e.g. if a tx sends 3 notes to 2 addresses, the view-tags would be H(secret_1 || 0), H(secret_1 || 1), H(secret_2 || 0)
To ensure no privacy leakage from query patterns, each note must have the same probability of access by clients. (e.g. If an adversary spams notes to force a target to make additional queries). However, any solution that saves bandwidth must at least segment users by note rate.
In this proposal, on-chain costs for notes increase by 0.8%, and clients leak to the network that their note rate is above/below ~1/1024 (~2 notes per minute at 10 tx/s (4 notes/tx)) (to within a delay), in exchange for consuming up to 98% less bandwidth synchronizing notes.
- Client downloads ephemeral_pk (8B/note at 4 notes/tx) and view_tag (2B) for all notes
- Client downloads all notes larger than 256B (for now)
- Client submits batch PIR queries for all big (850k) note-chunks
- This lets clients handle spikes in smaller batches
- Client submits batch PIR queries for intermediate (53k) chunks to catch up
- Client polls using batch PIR queries for small (13k) chunks to stay up to date (5.5min at 10tx/s)
| Batch| Entries (256B)| Comm. (KB) | Init (s) | Response (s) |
| 13 | 13312 | 385 | 0.7s | 2.3s |
| 52 | 53248 | 385 | 4.4s | 1.0s |
| 832 | 851968 | 2442 | 330s | 16.6s |
There is probably room for further parameter tuning.
Too many notes
If recieving too many notes for even the largest segment (832 of 851968), clients should wait a random delay, then begin downloading all notes starting from a random date in the past (ideally from a different server).
Serial Depth
Notes which discover other notes are not supported. A second batch PIR query (over all notes) could be added to suport 2-layer depth at a reduced rate (e.g. 1/6144 notes).
| Batch| Entries (256B)| Comm. (KB) | Init (s) | Response (s) |
| 52 | 319488 | 385 | 25s | 1.3s |