Note Discovery Proposal

This is a fun subject, I wanted to sketch a rough idea that could probably be massively improved.

It is a slightly different threat model (in terms of a “trusted” or “untrusted” servers) than the proposed ones. It also requires very heavy computation for the servers (quadratic in the number of notes) but is lightweight for the client. It is adapted from these voting protocols: JCJ* and Selections*

Consider a set of 10 servers (trustees). The user is asked to trust that at least 1 is honest. The trustees generate a shared 10-out-of-10 public key for a threshold encryption scheme that is partially homomorphic. One candidate is Elgamal where public keys are the same format as signature schemes like ECDSA and Schnorr.

A big simplifying assumption (that I don’t know works in practice) is that the set of note recipients are known at the beginning of an epoch and if a user is not in this set, they cannot receive notes until the next epoch.

For each epoch, the protocol is as follows:

  • Each recipient pre-registers to receive notes by choosing a pseudonym (as a random value) and encrypting the nym under the trustees’ public key. The encrypted nym is initially associated with the user it belongs to, as identified by their public key or address or any unique ID. So Alice with address Addr_A posts \langle Addr_A, \mathsf{Enc}(Nym_A)\rangle. The protocol must ensure this value is actually from Addr_A either through signatures or by being sent in a transactions from Addr_A.
  • Assume 4 users register as follows:
Addr_A \mathsf{Enc}(Nym_A)
Addr_B \mathsf{Enc}(Nym_B)
Addr_C \mathsf{Enc}(Nym_C)
Addr_D \mathsf{Enc}(Nym_D)
  • The trustees each take a turn performing the following tasks
    • The first trustee takes the list and encrypts each element in the first column (in subsequent steps, they will instead rerandomize each already-encrypted values) and re-randomizes each value in the second column.
    • The trustee then shuffles the list row-wise
    • The trustee publishes the rerandomized and shuffled list
    • The trustee produces a ZKP that the output list is a permutation of the input list (many proof schemes exist, including the Neff Shuffle* without revealing the permutation they used or the random factors they used
  • After the last trustee has shuffled the list, each trustees will check each ZKP and sign the list if it is valid. Once all trustees have signed the list, the trustees will employ threshold decryption to decrypt the Nym column of the list. The result is called the \mathsf{Roster} and it is valid for one epoch and it might look as follows:
\mathsf{Enc}(Addr_A) Nym_A
\mathsf{Enc}(Addr_C) Nym_C
\mathsf{Enc}(Addr_D) Nym_D
\mathsf{Enc}(Addr_B) Nym_B
  • Note: as long as one trustee is honest, no one will know which user ends up in which row of the table (except the user themselves who can identify their nym).

To send a note from Alice to Bob, Alice encrypts Bob’s identifier \mathsf{Enc}(Addr_B) and includes this in the payload of the encrypted note. Call \mathsf{Enc}(Addr_B) the \mathsf{Hint}.

  • Note: Because our simple notation does not include random factors in \mathsf{Enc}, it is important to note that this value \mathsf{Enc}(Addr_B) will not be bitwise identical to the corresponding value \mathsf{Enc}(Addr_B) in the 4th row of the \mathsf{Roster}. Both represent an encryption under the same public key of the same message but will have different random factors and thus be different ciphertext values. In fact, for Elgamal, they will be computationally indistinguishable from an encryption of a different message (under standard cryptographic assumptions).

  • Trustees will take the \mathsf{Hint} and conduct a plaintext equality test (PET)* between each encrypted key in the first column of the \mathsf{Roster}:

    \mathsf{PET}[\mathsf{Enc}(Addr_A),\mathsf{Hint}]\rightarrow False Nym_A
    \mathsf{PET}[\mathsf{Enc}(Addr_C),\mathsf{Hint}]\rightarrow False Nym_C
    \mathsf{PET}[\mathsf{Enc}(Addr_D),\mathsf{Hint}]\rightarrow False Nym_D
    \mathsf{PET}[\mathsf{Enc}(Addr_B),\mathsf{Hint}]\rightarrow True Nym_B
  • Note: a PET is very close to a threshold decryption in cost, it just requires a pre-processing step before decryption. So doing a PET with every value in the table is basically trial decryption, it is just being done by the trustees instead of the user.

  • The trustees will then add Nym_B to the encrypted note.

  • Bob will look through all notes for anything marked Nym_B.

Additional notes and optimizations:

  • The protocol is not perfectly private as notes received by the same recipient in an epoch can be linked together.
  • Users can reuse Nym_A but this extends the linkage possible.
  • Users can supply a batch of \langle\mathsf{Enc}(Nym_{A,E1}),\mathsf{Enc}(Nym_{A,E2}),\ldots\rangle) values for a set of future epochs E1,E2,E3,\ldots at the start of the protocol.
  • The threshold decryption can be m-out-of-n for different values of m and n. For example, if it were 7-of-10, then the protocol could proceed when 3 or less trustees were offline, however users would have to trust that at least 4 trustees are honest rather than 1.

I had to remove links to papers for the concepts marked with * because I am a new user on this forum and it tries to prevent spam.


Here is another solution that pushes the work onto the sender rather than the receiver.

Input: List of recipients per epoch, by public key. \textsf{Roster:} \langle pk_A, pk_B, pk_C, pk_D, pk_E\rangle

Sender Protocol:

  1. Sender creates a list to represent which recipient(s) she is selecting from the \textsf{Roster}. To select the fourth user David (pk_D), she would create: \langle 0,0,0,1,0\rangle
  2. Encryption is exponential Elgamal (as in main post above). For notation, let [[m]]_{_A} be an encryption of message m under pk_A.
  3. Sender encrypts each bit of \langle 0,0,0,1,0\rangle with the public key that corresponds to \langle pk_A, pk_B, pk_C, pk_D, pk_E\rangle. Call this the \mathsf{Hint:}\langle [[0]]_{_A},[[0]]_{_B},[[0]]_{_C},[[1]]_{_D},[[0]]_{_E}\rangle
  4. Sender sends encrypted note along with \mathrm{Hint}.

Receiver Protocol:

  1. Receiver David fetches all \mathrm{Hints} from within an epoch:
Hint for Note 1 [[0]]_{_A} [[1]]_{_B} [[0]]_{_C} [[0]]_{_D} [[0]]_{_E}
Hint for Note 2 [[0]]_{_A} [[0]]_{_B} [[1]]_{_C} [[0]]_{_D} [[0]]_{_E}
Hint for Note 3 [[0]]_{_A} [[0]]_{_B} [[0]]_{_C} [[0]]_{_D} [[1]]_{_E}
Hint for Note 4 [[0]]_{_A} [[0]]_{_B} [[0]]_{_C} [[0]]_{_D} [[1]]_{_E}
Hint for Note 5 [[0]]_{_A} [[0]]_{_B} [[0]]_{_C} [[1]]_{_D} [[0]]_{_E}
Hint for Note 6 [[0]]_{_A} [[1]]_{_B} [[0]]_{_C} [[0]]_{_D} [[0]]_{_E}
  1. David discards all columns except D.
  2. David takes the values in the D column and sums them homomorphically (one modular multiplication per homomorphic addition) and decrypts the resulting ciphertext. The integer will represent how many messages he received in the epoch.
  3. If zero, David is done for this round.
  4. If non-zero, David uses binary search to locate the Hint(s) that belong to him.


  1. Hints are large (n ciphertexts for n recipients) and probably kills this idea.
  2. Computation for sender is expensive (n encryption for n recipients) however a trusted server could help by generating empty hints for senders to use: \langle [[0]]_{_A},[[0]]_{_B},[[0]]_{_C},[[0]]_{_D},[[0]]_{_E}\rangle. The sender then replaces [[0]]_{_D} with [[1]]_{_D} to send a note to David. Of course, the server can trace this Note.
  3. However the sender could ask for empty hints from n semi-trusted (honest-but-curious) servers, add them together homomorphically (cheaper than an encryption), and then it is untraceable if 1 of the n servers is honest.
  4. Even though a malicious server cannot trace the Note anymore, it could provide a Hint with values other than 0. Note that the recipient will still recieve the note, it will just create grief for non-recepients who think the note is for them. Requiring a ZKP from the server can side-step this, but now the sender is verifying ZKPs to sidestep encrypting and the ZKPs would need to be succinct for it to be a net savings in computation. Note that any discovered malicious behaviour is independently verifiable so we could also use incentives/slashing to enforce correct behaviour.

Thanks for the contributions @PulpSpy. I’d be interested in @kashbrti’s thoughts.

One concern for me is the requirement for note recipients to be known ahead of time at the start of an epoch. I think this might be difficult to achieve. Would it be possible to engineer around this constraint?


First, as a disclaimer, this is just a first pass hoping others can find optimizations. In both current forms, the overhead is impractical (quadratic computation for servers in 1, linear space for senders in 2).

Having an open (unknown) list of recipients is something I played with for a while but gave up. It makes the problem much more complicated. The short answer is “no,” I don’t think you can engineer around this problem. It is inherent to how the protocol works.

However one could do a hybrid where recpients who pre-register benefit from a protocol like these two, and those that do not pre-register can still participate, they just fallback to trial decryption. I think this could improve things for 95% of recpients while not locking anyone out.


Hi @PulpSpy,

Thank you for the post it was quite an enjoyable read and sorry for the late reply.

One thing I would like to understand is after adding the appropriate Nym to the note, where is this (Nym, note) tuple published/stored, i.e. where does the recipient look for it? If the tuple is stored in one of the servers (the recipient downloads it from the server), the recipient would be required to either download all the tuples from the server to not leak which nym belongs to them or engage in a PIR/PSI type protocol to retrieve it. Hence, I’m wondering if your goal was to give an alternative to the tagging mechanism or if I am missing something.

One minor question as well, by the quadratic overhead are you referring to going through all notes for each possible recipient (|notes| x |nyms|)?

Thanks again for your contribution.



Thanks for reading! The short answer is I didn’t consider this question.

The fuller answer is that I started with a simplification of the problem, assuming a bulletin board where encrypted notes are posted and receivers can access (all) the board, with the only goal to avoid trial decryption. I don’t know Aztec at all or any practical details of how notes work today (in fact, I only found this because someone posted it to X and I thought it was a fun thing to think about for a bit).

Now that you’ve raised the question, I would break it into two questions: (a) is there a note for me at all? (b) if so, where is it?

The first question (a) can be solved efficiently through something like a bloom filter (false positives are not problematic, just wasted work for recipient). For recipients who only occasionally or rarely receive notes, this will not impose a large overhead.

The second question is, as you suggest, exactly what PIR tries to solve. “Trivial PIR” is to download everything, as long as epochs are small, this does not seem that bad (especially compared to having to download it all and try to decrypt it all). Alternatively, you can do actual PIR. PIR gets very good if you can do multi-server PIR and that is natural here, since there are multiple trustees.

I didn’t follow your comment about an “alternative to the tagging mechanism.” I probably am not familiar with some existing tagging technique, if you point me at it, I can try to determine if what I propose is the same or different.

And yes, that is exactly what I meant by quadratic.


For completeness, you can solve (b) three basic ways:

  1. Trivial PIR (as mentioned)
  2. PIR (as mentioned)
  3. Trusted server

I want to mention if you just tell a trusted server what your nym is and ask it to give you all your notes, they only learn that you received a note (and I guess how many notes). They do not learn: who sent the note or what is inside the note or anything about any notes your received or will receive in other epochs. So it leaks privacy but it is limited.