Welcome to Aztec Discourse!

This is our new home for Aztec 3 specification discussion.


Cool! Looking forward to following the discussion here.

So we shouldn’t use this forum to discuss anything related to Aztec Connect?


Yeah, I reckon we could use this site for non-aztec3 discussions too. We can create ‘Categories’ and ‘tags’ to organise discussions.

I think a good use of this site is for each post to be a long-form Aztec Improvement Proposal that’s been well thought-out:
- E.g. new Aztec3 specs
- Alternative suggestions for Aztec3 specs
- Aztec Connect improvements
- Noir improvements
- Improvements to other areas of the network that I’ve not mentioned
- Research on potential new features or optimisations
- Basically any suggestion for a new piece of work, explained in long-form, which seeks opinions, critiques, and approval from other people.

Then the discussion on each post will be constructive criticisms and suggestions for improvement. And, hopefully each discussion will lead to a decision on whether or not to implement the suggestions of the post.

In the spirit of the above, we can have a discussion here about whether you agree!

Edit: I created categories for: Aztec3, Aztec Connect, Noir. Suggestions for other categories welcome.