RFC: Simplifying Token Transfer Mechanisms by Removing Shielding

Authors: oleh oleh.blockchain@gmail.com
Created: 2024-08-10


This RFC proposes eliminating the shield, unshield, and redeem_shield methods from the token transfer system, replacing them with more intuitive methods: transfer_from_public_to_private and transfer_from_private_to_public. The changes aim to reduce redundancy, simplify the codebase, and make the token transfer process more understandable for developers.


Currently, the token contract includes two distinct mechanisms for transferring tokens:

  1. Direct Transfers:

    • transfer(from, to, amount) — Transfers tokens privately, where both from and to are kept private.
    • transfer_public(from, to, amount) — Transfers tokens publicly, where both from and to are public.
  2. Shielded Transfers:

    • shield(from, amount, secret_hash) — Transfers tokens from a public address from to a private secret (via secret_hash).
    • redeem_shield(to, amount, secret) — Transfers tokens from a private secret to a private address to.

While direct transfers are straightforward and essential, the shielded transfer mechanism introduces redundancy and potential confusion.

Problem Statement

The existence of two separate mechanisms for transferring tokens (transfer/transfer_public and shield/redeem_shield) is redundant. The redeem_shield function, in particular, is nearly identical to the transfer method, with the only difference being the use of a secret instead of the from address. This redundancy complicates the token transfer logic and could confuse developers.


To simplify the token transfer system and remove redundancy, the following changes are proposed:

  1. Rename shield to transfer_from_public_to_private:

    • Instead of generating a secret and secret_hash, the user generates a burner sub-account.
    • The shield function will be replaced with transfer_from_public_to_private(from, burner_address, amount), where burner_address is a temporary address created for privacy purposes.
  2. Remove redeem_shield:

    • Tokens are transferred from the burner sub-account to the user’s main account using the existing transfer method: transfer(burner_address, to, amount).
  3. Rename unshield to transfer_from_private_to_public:

    • This renaming will align with the new transfer method naming conventions, ensuring consistency in the contract’s functions.


contract Token {
    struct Storage {
        // ...
-       pending_shields: PrivateSet<TransparentNote>,

-   #[aztec(public)]
-   fn shield(from: AztecAddress, amount: Field, secret_hash: Field, nonce: Field) {
-       // removed
-   }

+   #[aztec(public)]
+   fn transfer_from_public_to_private(from: AztecAddress, to: AztecAddress, amount: Field, nonce: Field) {
+       storage.public_balances.get(from).sub(amount);
+       storage.balances.add(to, amount);
+   }

-   #[aztec(private)]
-   fn redeem_shield(to: AztecAddress, amount: Field, secret: Field) {
-       // removed
-   }

-   fn unshield(from: AztecAddress, to: AztecAddress, amount: Field, nonce: Field) {
+   fn transfer_from_private_to_public(from: AztecAddress, to: AztecAddress, amount: Field, nonce: Field) {
        // implementation is the same

This refactor simplifies the token contract by removing the concept of shielding, reducing the number of methods developers need to learn, and consolidating the transfer logic.

Example Usage

Below is a comparison of how the token transfer functionality is used in JavaScript:


const [bobSecret, bobSecretHash] = await generateSecretAndHash();
await token.withWallet(alice).shield(alice, amount, bobSecretHash);
await token.withWallet(bob).redeem_shield(bob, amount, bobSecret);

After the proposed changes:

const bobBurner = await bob.createBurnerAccount();
await token.withWallet(alice).transfer_from_public_to_private(alice, bobBurner, amount);
await token.withWallet(bobBurner).createAuthWit({ caller: bob, action: token.transfer(bobBurner, bob, amount).request() });
await token.withWallet(bob).transfer(bobBurner, bob, amount);

The updated JavaScript code is more unified due to the consistent use of transfer methods. Instead of managing secrets and hashes, developers now work with burner accounts, using clear and consistent transfer terminology throughout the process.

Pros & Cons


  • Simplicity: The token transfer mechanism is streamlined, with fewer concepts and methods to understand.
  • Elimination of Redundancy: The secret and secret_hash logic, as well as the pending_shields and TransparentNote structures, are no longer necessary.
  • Clarity: Developers can more easily grasp the token transfer process, as there is only one transfer mechanism to learn.


  • Privacy Risks: Transferring tokens from a public to a private address could expose privacy risks if the destination is a main account rather than a burner account. The previous shielding process made it clear that tokens were being shielded for privacy, which may not be as obvious with the new approach.
  • Needs an additional .createAuthWit(...) call on JS side.

Open Questions

  1. How does transfer(burner_address, to, amount) compare to redeem_shield(to, amount, secret) in terms of constraints used, assuming that the amount is represented as a single note.
  2. Can the call to .createAuthWit(...) be avoided on JS side?


This RFC recommends simplifying the token contract by removing the shielding mechanism and replacing it with a more intuitive transfer method. By doing so, the token transfer process will become more straightforward, reducing the cognitive load on developers and improving overall system clarity.


I am not sure that this will work. It looks like you are adding to a private storage variable (balances) from a public function (transfer_from_public_to_private), which won’t work.

You could remove redeem_shield with something like:

private fn shield(amount, to) {
  storage.balances.add(ValueNote::new(amount, to)
  ctx.enqueue_public_call(_deduct(amount, ctx.msg_sender())

public internal fn _deduct(amount, from) {
  storage.public_balances.at(from) -= amount

but that isn’t currently in the example contract because it is less flexible.

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Can’t you do something like this:

let to_keys = get_current_public_keys(to);
let note = TokenNote::new(amount, to_keys.npk_m.hash());


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Yea I believe that would work. Just being mindful that the transfer_from_public_to_private function would reveal information about who the tokens are being transferred to, whereas the shield function hides this information. As previously mentioned, it is also less flexible. Other contracts could redeem_shield using the secret, but this wouldn’t work for transfer_from_public_to_private.

This might be a desirable trade-off for legibility and simplicity.

Phasing out the shield terminology is definitely a good idea and we decided to go in that direction in our NFT contract. We plan on following the same flows in the fungible tokens as well. We just didn’t get to it yet because there are a few things we want to tackle before doing that.

Thanks for the post :blush: