Broadcasting notes in token contracts

Last working day of the year, but I finally got to this! Much of the work has already been done by @LHerskind here, but let’s recap all scenarios and their requirements. For each of them, we need to identify who’s the “application owner” of the note, who’s the “protocol owner” (as in who can nullify), and who can “see” the note (as in who has the preimage of it).

All scenarios begin with Alice having a note A in the token contract that represents part of her balance.

Alice sends a transfer to Bob

  • Alice calls token.transfer(Bob)
  • Token consumes note A such that Alice is both its app and protocol owner using her nullifier key
  • Token creates note B such that Bob is both app and protocol owner
  • Token broadcasts the note to Bob, and both Alice and Bob can “see” it

Alice deposits into a public contract

  • Alice calls defi.deposit()
  • The defi contract calls token.unshield_from(Alice, this)
  • Token contract calls into Alice’s contract to check for authorization
  • Alice provides her authwit via an oracle call
  • Token consumes note A such that Alice is both its app and protocol owner using her nullifier key
  • The defi contract’s public balance is incremented

Bob transfers Alice’s funds to Charlie

This scenario requires notes with shareable nullifiers, as opposed to using nullifier secret keys. The way it has been implemented so far is by using a randomized value as a nullifier (see here), which gets stored in the note, but this requires a different note format.

  • Alice converts note A into A' such that it uses a random value stored in the note as nullifier via a token.escrow() call
  • Alice signs an authwit to authorize the transfer and sends it to Bob off-chain along with note A''s preimage which includes the randomized nullifier.
  • Bob calls token.transfer_from(Alice, Bob)
  • Token contract calls into Alice’s contract to check for authorization
  • Bob provides Alice’s authwit via an oracle call
  • Token consumes note A' using the random value stored in the note preimage
  • Token creates a note C for Charlie, such that Charlie is both the app and protocol owner
  • Token broadcasts note C to Charlie

Would it be possible, instead of using a random value as nullifier, to have Alice derive the specific nullifier for the note and share it with Bob, and for Bob to be able to verify it without knowing Alice’s secret nullifier key? For instance, instead of deriving the nullifier as nullifier = hash(note_hash, nullifier_secret_key), could we derive the nullifier as shareable_nullifier = sign(private_note_hash, nullifier_secret_key), such that we can then verify it against the nullifier_public_key? Note the usage of a private_note_hash here which should be different from the note_hash stored in the private data tree, otherwise anyone could link the note and its nullifier.

Bob deposits Alice’s funds in a public contract

Equivalent to a mix of scenarios 2 and 3:

  • Alice converts note A into A' such that it uses a random value stored in the note as nullifier via a token.escrow() call
  • Alice signs an authwit to authorize the deposit and sends it to Bob off-chain along with note A''s preimage
  • Bob calls defi.deposit()
  • The defi contract calls token.unshield_from(Alice, this)
  • Token contract calls into Alice’s contract to check for authorization
  • Bob provides Alice’s authwit via an oracle call
  • Token consumes note A' using the randomized value stored in the note
  • The defi contract’s public balance is incremented

Alice deposits her funds into a contract 0xB which then transfers publicly into 0xC

This is Lasse’s transient escrowing scenario, in which contract 0xB performs some accounting before forwarding the funds to 0xC. Requires adding a protocol_owner option to the transfer method, or using a random value as nullifier.

  • Alice calls 0xA.deposit()
  • Contract 0xA calls token.transfer_from(Alice, this, protocol_owner: Alice)
  • Token contract calls into Alice’s contract to check for authorization
  • Alice provides her authwit via an oracle call
  • Token consumes note A (such that Alice is both its app and protocol owner) using Alice’s nullifier key
  • Token creates note B such that 0xB is the app owner but she is the protocol owner
  • Contract 0xA calls 0xB.deposit()
  • Contract 0xB calls token.unshield_from(0xA, this)
  • Token contract calls into 0xA to check for authorization
  • 0xA approves via custom logic (not via authwit, since there is no key to sign it)
  • Contract 0xB consumes note B using Alice’s provided nullifier
  • The public balance for 0xB is increased

Alice deposits her funds privately into a betting contract with Bob and Charlie

This is Wonderland’s escrow scenario, where we have a handful of parties that will be working together privately through a contract, and eventually one of them will cash out. Here, Alice, Bob, and Charlie need to provably see all escrowed notes, and be able to nullify them.

  • Alice calls bet.deposit()
  • Betting contract calls token.transfer_from(Alice, this, nullifier: random, broadcast_for: [Alice, Bob, Charlie])
  • Alice consumes note A (such that Alice is both its app and protocol owner) using her nullifier key
  • Token creates note B such that the betting contract is the app owner and the nullifier is a random value stored in the note itself.
  • Token broadcasts note B to Alice, Bob, and Charlie.

Eventually the bet is settled. Let’s assume Charlie wins:

  • Charlie calls bet.cashout()
  • Betting contract calls token.transfer(Charlie)
  • Token consumes note B using the random value stored in the note
  • Token creates note C where Charlie is the app and protocol owner

Note that, in the scenario that David wants to join in the bet contract after it started, we’d need someone to re-broadcast every note (or a single note created from merging all individual notes) to him. This means that we’d need a token.broadcast_for method, as Wonderland implemented here.

This scenario could also be implemented by creating a new contract specifically for Alice, Bob, and Charlie (assuming they are all known in advance), using a set of public encryption keys derived from a shared secret, so they just treat the bet contract as another “account contract” they own. The downside of this approach is note discovery: all parties need to start scanning notes for yet another address, and they all need to agree in a single note tagging and encryption method.

I may be missing other scenarios, please comment and I’ll edit the post!

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