Whisk-y: should we use Whisk for sequencer selection?

Update on my end - after reading @zac-williamson’s proposal “Cookie Jar” [Proposal] Sequencer Selection: Cookie Jar! I’m considering a variety of changes, including:

  1. I really like the semi-random auction in Cookie Jar, and think this is a neat idea
  2. Ways to alter the “reveal mechanism” andn/or proving a sequencer’s place in line (generally, this needs far more specifics, many people have asked why you would do this, or what the intention is…)
  3. Do we really need all this shuffling? Or is a VRF + something like Zac’s semi-random bids enough?
  4. What should we use for VRF? relevant research from paradigm

But perhaps this is a different enough path that it would warrant a separate proposal, highlighting the tradeoffs. Hmmm :thinking: