[Upgrade proposal] - Non-govnernance via social consensus

The current proposal suggests fresh state. “The new protocol version would state with no state or from a genesis block, and be dependent on community migrations to achieve adoption or usage.”

General (unfortunate) answer is that application developers would need to build their own bridge mechanisms to migrate, either offchain, L1, or another mechanism. Non-asset state is a bit less clear but if you have any specific examples i’m happy to try and give them some consideration.

Definitely. No matter what, you will end up with some “internally governed” portals which are outside of the scope of the Aztec protocol and therefore just not something that the community needs to pay attention to (if they don’t want to, similar to the republic).

I would expect a majority of meaningfully used portals to have some form of internal governance (e.g. a circle/usdc or maker dao/dai bridge). Whether or not that is a good thing, is a separate question, and can be considered similarly to any other bridge diversity or almost client diversity challenge. Wrt to this fact, I think the implication of this proposal is that sequencers/provers/infrastructure providers/etc., should remember that the protocol says the governance power should lie within social consensus, rather than portal developers/collateral holders. Perhaps it’s differences are more in spirit than in code.

I think that they would converge, but do so via communication offchain rather than a multisig like you see in other social consensus contexts, like validators aligning on blocks to upgrade at, etc. It surely does not handle pending messages nicely, perhaps I need to look more into the implications there :person_shrugging: Initially my thought was that it doesn’t need to be a factor if you are expecting active migrations so messages to v1 protocols wouldn’t really need to be supported in v2.

Nothing, really, as is acknowledged in the outstanding question #4. I guess in general you would hope that the community doesn’t use any from non-trusted parties or those that have achieved sufficient social consensus yet. But iractice this often looks like CEX “endorsements” or core developers validating deployments, then a long time horizon before social consensus is achieved… and if we’re being realistic, users apeing into a bunch of potential rugs :disappointed: Without an elegant solution it could be a dealbreaker.