Request for Comments: Aztec Sequencer Selection and Prover Coordination Protocols

What factors will be considered in determining the distribution ratio of block rewards among sequencers, provers, and entities submitting rollups to L1?


Economic Modeling and Analysis:
How does the document outline the future plans for economic analysis and modeling with Blockscience throughout Q1-Q2 2024?


How does the proposed confirmation rules framework enhance user experience in understanding transaction confirmation stages?

Are there considerations for alternative confirmation rule frameworks, and what encouraged the proposed approach?


Node Types and Roles:
-What distinguishes Aztec full nodes from validating light nodes, and how do they contribute to the overall network functionality?
-How are archival nodes utilized in providing historical membership proofs, and what decentralized storage providers are considered for historical state copies?
–Can you elaborate on the implications of sequencers collaborating with third-party proving services versus self-proving their blocks?


-In the sequencer registration process, what role does the queue play, and how does it impact eligibility for leader election?


Protocol Evolution:
-How does the proposed block production system accommodate changes and evolution over time as indicated in the document?
-What is the significance of Aztec being established as a Layer-2 Ethereum network, and how might this role evolve in future releases?


The inclusion of fee burning and potential integration of mev-boost are exciting advancements for Aztec’s block production. However, two key considerations merit further discussion:

  1. Mitigating Manipulation of Randomization: While Fernet’s randomized sequencer selection appears robust, I’m interested in understanding the specific mechanisms in place to prevent malicious actors from influencing the process. Are there cryptographic safeguards or economic disincentives to deter manipulation attempts?
  2. Security of Out-of-Protocol Proving: Utilizing an out-of-protocol proving system like Sidecar offers flexibility, but raises security concerns. Could you elaborate on the measures taken to ensure the integrity and confidentiality of proofs generated outside the core protocol? Additionally, how are potential vulnerabilities like front-running or denial-of-service attacks addressed within this setup?

I have some questions:
Who can serve as provers in the Aztec Network?
What is the purpose of comparing and ranking the hashed values of other sequencers’ public keys and RANDAO values?
How is the highest ranking proposal determined and what becomes of it?
Is there any debate or research on whether this phase is necessary or not?


Hello Cooper!
How do Aztec full nodes verify and apply blocks to their local view of the state?
How do Aztec Sequencers choose provers and coordinate state transitions in the network?
Can anyone participate in Aztec Sequencers, and what protocol is planned to be implemented for participation?
Can participants other than full nodes become Aztec Provers, and what are some examples of these participants?


1)How does the proposed block production system accommodate changes and evolution over time as indicated in the document?
2)What is the significance of Aztec being established as a Layer-2 Ethereum network, and how might this role evolve in future releases?


Hey, awesome read!
Can you explain the mechanisms Aztec proposes to implement in order to mitigate the risks associated with MEV (Maximal Extractable Value) within its network, and how these mechanisms differ from those employed in Ethereum?


Hey, have some questions there:
How does the Fernet protocol ensure fair and randomized leader selection among sequencers, and what measures are in place to prevent manipulation or centralization of power within the Aztec Network?
Can you elaborate on the role of validating light nodes within the Aztec Network and how they contribute to maintaining network integrity while processing block headers and validating proofs?


Hi Cooper,
Thanks for the article. I’d really like to know minimum and recommended requirements for the validating light nodes. Hope requested storage will be much lower as there’s no need to store the full state.


What is the expectation about who will post the prover commitment? It would seem that the sequencer would be the natural provider of the commitment, as it is a single commitment for the full proof tree and the actual proving may and presumably should be split over multiple provers, while still allowing the sequencer to distribute the proof tree creation in a flexible way. Is this the main concept?


How does the system handle situations where no prover commitment is made or a block is not finalized, triggering the backup phase?


How do sequencers collaborate with third-party proving services in the process of block production?
How does the staking process for sequencers and the commitment phase for provers ensure economic guarantees and stability in the Aztec protocol? :saluting_face:


-Could you provide more insights into the negotiations during the prover commitment phase, and how it influences the overall block production cycle?


Registration and Stake Requirements:
-What factors determine the staking requirements for sequencers in the registration process?
-In the initial Fernet implementation, how does the entryPeriod contribute to governance decisions and why is it set at 7 days?


Consensus Network and Upgrades:
-What factors will influence the decision to implement a consensus network among Layer-2 sequencers?
-How do sequencers actively participate in the upgrade mechanism, and what is their role in reflecting social consensus through voting?

Backup Mode and Known Issues:
-Could you provide more details about scenarios triggering the backup mode for block submission, and possible strategies to mitigate L1 censorship?
-How is the Biasability issue in RANDAO addressed, and what considerations are taken into account when considering improvements?

Future Improvements and Outstanding Questions:
-What key compromises are made in the current design, and how do they contribute to the project’s ability to iterate quickly and launch?
-What ideas and options for improvements are open for discussion, suggestions, and debate?


Isn’t keeping the tnxs private a direct contradiction to the “decentralised” goal of cryptocurrency and web3 it self? And read it and i think making it public would not have any adverse consequences. Gas fee burn decision should be made carefully, I understand the need to scale up transactions speed and chain itself. But we also need to put the end user into consideration. Great read regardless!